Entries by info

The Do’s and Don’ts of Lowering Feed Costs | Dairy Herd Management

This article is packed with great Do’s and Don’ts on finding ways to lower feed costs. DO use a spreadsheet or feed management system DO make a weekly appointment to review your feed costs DO make your own feed DON’T allow your feed to shrink DON’T overfeed your herd DON’T cut an ingredient just because […]

Detect nutrition changes before you can see cow effects

“Herd monitoring technology tracks individual, group and herd activity to give farmers a heads-up on how animals are reacting to nutritional changes,” says Tara Bohnert, business development manager at Nedap Livestock Management. “The data empowers farmers to intervene and implement management changes before significant performance is lost.” Check out this article for a quick overview […]

Low Cell Counts Key to Dairy Profits | Lancaster Farming

Michael Lormore, the current director of cattle technical services at Zoetis, led a 2014 study identifying the drivers of financial success for a dairy, using data from 110 farms between 2007 to 2018. The farms were in the Dakotas, Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio. Check out this article for one variable worth keeping a close eye […]

Seven Tips To Avoid Post-Weaning Slump | Bovine Veterinarian

“According to the Dairy Calf and Heifer Association’s Gold Standards, 50% of lifetime stature growth and 25% of lifetime weight gain occur in the first 6 months of a dairy calf’s life. That means the weeks after weaning are just as critical as those before.” Check out this article by Maureen Hanson of Bovine Veterinarian […]

Don’t forget the fiber

“Think of fiber in a dairy or beef diet in the same way. Fiber provides bulk to diets — it’s the most important factor to account for when evaluating forages and developing dairy or beef diets. Despite the many different discussions around fiber digestibility and undigestible fiber, total fiber content is always my starting point […]

Industry experts encourage dairy farmers to invest in manure business

“Chief financial officer of Pagel Family Businesses Brian Dolski said during a virtual panel discussion at the Dairy Business Association’s Dairy Strong conference Jan. 20 that farmers could receive a potential of $1,200 per cow per year if they install a digester. He also noted that while much of the compressed natural gas industry is […]

5 Mega Trends for Dairy Farming in 2021…and Beyond

“2020 was a year like no other. Following a year dominated by Covid-19, what can dairy farming expect moving forward? Covid-19 forced U.S. dairy producers to rethink the U.S. milk business, especially its dependency on fresh milk sales and foodservice cheese. It also exposed the vulnerability of dependence on external labor. Longer-term emerging trends include […]

Be Mindful of Mycotoxin Risk in New Silage

“As dairy producers transition into newly fermented corn silage it’s important they pay attention to the potential for higher-than-average levels of molds and mycotoxins, according to Anthony Hall, MSc MSB, PAS, Technical Services – Ruminant, Lallemand Animal Nutrition. The first step to evaluating the risk your silage will have a high level of mycotoxins is […]

Actisaf live yeast increases feed efficiency by 5.5% in early lactation cows

“Feed and forage costs make up the largest single cost of milk production, therefore, controlling these expenses is essential to the profitability of any Irish dairy farm. In order to minimize feed costs per liter or kg of milk solids produced, optimizing the feed efficiency of the herd is critical. With many spring-calving herds now […]