Entries by info

How individual cow personalities affect milking performance in dairy cows

Researchers, led by Dr. Trevor DeVries, are diving into how the unique personalities of dairy cows – from curiosity to shyness – impact their behavior and production in automated milking systems. Through innovative studies, the team assesses how cows interact with new environments, objects, and humans to understand the link between temperament and milking efficiency. […]

Will Dairy Producers Fill the $7 Billion Processing Gap?

As the dairy industry embraces a growth mindset, with 60% of processing executives optimistic about 2024, over $7 billion in processing investments are on the horizon. But can dairy producers meet the milk production demand? Rick Naerebout voices concerns over financial pressures, while industry leaders like Michael Dykes believe in the efficiency and potential of […]

There’s a reason if cows aren’t chewing their cud

This article highlights the essential role of feed particle size and fiber structure in dairy diets, especially for cud chewing. Observations from dairies show a lack of cud chewing, suggesting insufficient forage fiber despite diets of corn silage and alfalfa. Proper forage fiber is key for rumen health and milkfat production. There is discussion about […]

Four Strategies to Help Cows Conquer Cold

Featuring expert advice from Dr. Jon Pretz, a dairy nutritionist, on managing cow well-being during cold weather. Despite cattle’s natural resilience to cold, he outlines four key strategies. Maintain Dryness Keeping cows dry is crucial, as wet coats increase energy demands in cold temperatures. Monitor Water Intake Ensure water is not too cold (ideally between […]

The Most Overlooked Nutrient

We’re highlighting the often-overlooked importance of water for dairy cattle, a crucial nutrient that tends to be forgotten in daily farm management due to its widespread availability. This insight comes from a reflection on dairy quiz bowl experiences and a recent Virginia Dairy Pipeline article by dairy extension agent Jeremy Daubert. Daubert emphasizes the vital […]

Labor Productivity or Efficiency. Is there a Difference?

There is a crucial distinction between labor efficiency and productivity in dairy operations, and it is vital to understand how this difference can impact labor costs, which account for 10-15% of milk production expenses. Labor efficiency, often pursued to reduce costs, does not always equate to labor productivity. This distinction becomes clear in roles like […]

October 2023 USDA Milk Production Report

The October 2023 USDA Milk Production report indicated a slight overall decline in U.S. milk production, with a decrease of 0.5% to 18.7 billion lbs. compared to the previous year. Milk production per cow also saw a reduction, dropping by 3 lbs. per cow in the 24 major states. The number of milk cows in […]

Proposal elevates USDA organic dairy programs, data collection

In a significant development for the U.S. dairy industry, a bill was introduced aimed at enhancing USDA organic dairy programs and data collection. Known as the Organic Dairy Assistance, Investment, and Reporting Yields Act, this legislation proposes improved data collection methods, the establishment of safety net programs, and increased investment in organic dairy infrastructure. Meanwhile, […]

Keeping 2023’s Drought in Perspective

Widmar said the drought of 2012 remains unique in the crushing effects delivered by continued, extreme heat and lack of rainfall as summer marched on. In contrast, 2023 netted out to be considerably less severe than 2012. “While drought conditions were widespread and persistent this year, they didn’t get worse as the corn and soybean […]

U.S. Milk Production Report Illustrates Cows Continue to Move Inland

Looking to catch up on the latest in the AG industry? The September USDA Milk Production report indicates a trend of decline. Overall milk production dropped by 0.2% compared to last year, marking the third consecutive month of decreased production. The cow population also shrunk, featuring 36,000 fewer heads than last year and 6,000 fewer […]