Four Strategies to Help Cows Conquer Cold

Featuring expert advice from Dr. Jon Pretz, a dairy nutritionist, on managing cow well-being during cold weather. Despite cattle’s natural resilience to cold, he outlines four key strategies.

Maintain Dryness
Keeping cows dry is crucial, as wet coats increase energy demands in cold temperatures.

Monitor Water Intake
Ensure water is not too cold (ideally between 40 and 65°F) to maintain regular intake.

Provide Adequate Feed
Increase feed during cold periods, as cows consume more to keep warm.

Avoid Frozen Feed
Prevent feed from freezing and consider increasing energy levels in the ration during extreme cold.

These practices help ensure cows stay healthy and productive, even in sub-zero conditions.

To learn more, read the full article by Maureen Hanson on Dairy Herd Management.