Entries by info

Sole Ulcers: Don’t Blame the Ration | Dairy Herd

A high incidence of sole ulcers in a dairy herd is probably not the fault of the ration, according to Gerard Cramer, DVM, DVSc, associate professor at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine. “We’ve been blaming the ration for a long time, and we still have sole ulcers,” Cramer told the audience at […]

The Challenges and Rewards of Feeding ByProducts

Feeding by-products from production, postharvest, and processing of foods and other agro-industrial products to dairy cows has been routine practice for decades. Byproducts streamline diet formulation and constitute, on average, 30% of Midwestern dairy diets. But this practice has been of utmost importance to dairy operations these last couple of years. Besides providing options to […]

Clean Feed is Key to Dairy Nutrition

Feed hygiene is key in minimizing or removing the anti-nutritional factors in feed that can negatively affect animal health and performance. Key factors in reducing feed contamination include: utilizing loader buckets dedicated to feed only placing silage bags on surfaces to minimize soil contamination properly face silage piles and bunks reduce water runoff through silage […]

The Role of Energy and Omega 3’s in Embryo Development

As dairy cows produce higher and higher volumes of milk, the need for a higher caloric intake is necessary to help support this huge demand for energy. Dairy cow diets typically contain some form of fat, either from rumen-active sources such as cottonseed, distillers, tallow and roasted beans or from rumen-inert fats such as calcium […]

These 7 Transition Cow Diseases are Costing You Money 

When you think about the animals who are costing your operation the most money, transition animals usually sort their way to the top. Generally, most production problems can be traced back to the dry or transition period, one of the critical time frames in a cow’s production cycle. According to Michal Lunak, Extension Educator for […]

Dairy Productivity, Profitability and Promotion | Dairy Herd

The standard measure of dairy cow productivity is milk production per cow. But for the purposes of both farm management and larger dairy economic analysis, perhaps a better measure is milk solids production per cow. Peter Vitaliano, Ph.D, Chief Economist for the National Milk Producers Federation explains, “The liquid component of raw milk determines product […]

Making the most of manure

Manure is not a liability; it’s an asset. As livestock and cash grain margins narrow for the foreseeable future, producers should start viewing manure with the rose-colored glasses it deserves. “To best do this, producers should track exactly how much of this valuable asset is supplied to the crop to account for its tremendous value,” […]

Develop a Forward-Thinking Management Plan for Your Fresh Dairy Cows | Dairy Herd

Getting recently fresh dairy cows off to a sound, eventless start to this lactation pays dividends in improved milk production, reproductive performance, and profit. Research continues to show that management and feeding practices within the first 2 to 4 weeks after calving have a long-term positive or negative impact on not only milk production and […]