Dairy Productivity, Profitability and Promotion | Dairy Herd

The standard measure of dairy cow productivity is milk production per cow. But for the purposes of both farm management and larger dairy economic analysis, perhaps a better measure is milk solids production per cow.

Peter Vitaliano, Ph.D, Chief Economist for the National Milk Producers Federation explains, “The liquid component of raw milk determines product yield for only a small proportion of total dairy production. Milk solids production per cow has been growing faster than milk production per cow in recent years, as average milk solids composition of milk has grown.”

Read the full article by Dairy Herd here.

Vitaliano presented the seminar “Dairy Cow Productivity: More Important to the Profitability of Your Dairy Operation Than You Think” during the 2021 World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI. The session was sponsored by the National Milk Producers Federation and is available for viewing here.