Using Cover Crops for Feed Production | Dairy Herd

Cover crops are a great resource for helping to capture soil nutrients, preserve moisture and generally improve soil health, but they can also lend a huge hand in feed production.

“There are plants that we’ve considered as nothing more than a cover crop that we’re actually finding feeds really, really well for dairy cattle,” says Brendon Blank, a Certified Forage Specialist with Byron Seed.  “I think there is a lot that has been overlooked when it comes to feeding cover crops because we have our tunnel vision focused on corn silage and alfalfa.”

Check out the full article from Dairy Herd’s Taylor Leach to learn more about the Environmental and Nutritional Benefits of cover crops.

If you aren’t using cover crops in your feed production, please contact us to see if it might be a good fit. We can help formulate a nutrition plan that fits your herd.